Final Project Evaluation Plan

The Robert and Winnie Yen Archive is an archival project that aims to document the photographs, letters, and personal effects of Robert and Winnie Yen, a Chinese couple that immigrated to the United States in 1965. This is necessarily a long-term project that cannot be completed within the timeframe of this course. For the purposes of the final project the objective will be to build the underlying structure of the archive, contextualize and document the project in the about section, complete 1-2 full collections with metadata, and create 1-2 exhibits that highlight the historical importance of selected artifacts in the archive.

The significance of this project is to highlight personal aspects of Chinese immigration to the United States. By highlighting the story of an individual family, this archive brings names and faces to the story of Chinese immigration, giving a different perspective than major histories which emphasize the collective.This archive does not claim to be representative of the Chinese-American community, nor does it claim national historical significance. Rather, it simply aims to preserve the story of one family’s migration to the United States and the life they built here, in the hopes that this story may be one of many stories of interest to those seeking to understand the personal experiences of Chinese immigrant families. Though contents may have political aspects, the archive itself does not take a stance on these politics. However, this archive also does not claim to be unbiased. The main motivation of the archive is to participate in the preservation the color and richness of minor stories.

For the final project, the main collection of the archive will be Robert Yen’s Military Training Photo Album 1945-1946, which documents Robert’s dispatch to the United States in 1945, after the end of World War II, to receive training as a Chinese Air Force technician. The significance of this album is its detailed photographic documentation of this point of contact between US and Chinese military forces. It brings forth stories that are not well known in public history, coloring them with a personal touch of a young man with a passion for photography. The album documents the journey to the United States, the training period, travels around the United States, and the return to China. These photographs and the commentary on them provide an interesting perspective of post-war America through the eyes of a young Chinese national.

The following rubric outlines the five aspects of digital archival work that I intend to use to evaluate my project:

CriteriaExcellentSatisfactoryNeeds Improvement
OrganizationThe internal structure of the archive is well-organized and easy for outside users to understand and navigate. The structure is scalable.The internal structure of the archive is somewhat organized, but may be somewhat convoluted. The structure is scalable.The internal structure of the archive is chaotic and/or obscure to outside users. The structure cannot be easily scaled.
MetadataMetadata includes basic information, as well as transcriptions and translations of written content. Items are well-tagged.Metadata only includes basic information. Transcriptions and translations are missing or very incomplete. Items have tags.Metadata does not exist or is sparse and lacking. Items are not tagged.
Context (Exhibits)Several archive items are contextualized through clear writing that connects multiple significant artifacts into a cohesive narrative.Some archive items are contextualized, but would benefit from more structure or a stronger narrative.None of the archive items have any contextualization outside of their basic description and metadata.
DocumentationDocumentation clearly states the archival process and the guiding principles of the project.Documentation hints at the archival process and the guiding principles of the project.No documentation exists or documentation is unclear about the archival process and the guiding principles of the project.
AccessibilityThe website adheres to universal design principles, including simple navigation, alternative text, and web-safe colors.  Website generally adheres to WCAG principles.The website considers some universal design principles, including simple navigation, alternative text, or web-safe colors.  Access for the website could be improved.The website does not consider any universal design principles, such as simple navigation, alternative text, or web-safe colors.  The website is inaccessible.

3 responses to “Final Project Evaluation Plan”

  1. Rachel Xu Avatar

    Hi Stephanie,

    I really appreciate your project on the Robert and Winnie Yen Archive, especially as a Chinese student. Focusing on personal narratives like Robert Yen’s Military Training Photo Album from 1945-1946 offers a unique and intimate perspective on Chinese immigration and post-World War II relations between China and the United States. This approach provides rich historical insights and helps personalize broader historical events. Ensuring detailed metadata and well-contextualized exhibits will be crucial in maximizing the educational value of your archive.

    To enhance audience engagement and usability, I suggest making the archive’s structure as intuitive as possible, allowing users to easily navigate and find information. Clear documentation of your archival process and guiding principles will further help users understand the significance of the materials. Technologically, your plan for a scalable structure is excellent, but incorporating accessibility features like simple navigation, alternative text, and web-safe colors will make the archive more inclusive. Adhering to WCAG principles will ensure accessibility for a diverse audience, including those with disabilities. Overall, your project has great potential to preserve and highlight a unique personal history within the larger narrative of Chinese immigration!

  2. Siyi Huang Avatar
    Siyi Huang

    Hello Stephanie:
    Your evaluation plan for “The Robert and Winnie Yen Archive” is well-organized and clearly presented. The focus on documenting the personal story of a Chinese couple who immigrated to the U.S. in 1965 offers a unique and intimate view of history. This approach can make the archive more relatable and engaging for users by connecting them to the personal experiences behind broader historical events.

    In terms of content and interpretation, you’ve effectively outlined the significance of preserving this family’s story. However, it might be helpful to think about how you could link this personal narrative to larger historical themes. This could provide more context for users who might not be familiar with the broader history of Chinese immigration.

    Regarding audience engagement and usability, your plan to create a well-organized and user-friendly archive is strong. The emphasis on metadata and clear contextualization will make the archive easy to navigate and informative. To increase user engagement, consider adding interactive elements, like guided tours or tools for users to share their own stories, which could make the archive more dynamic.

    On the technology side, your attention to accessibility and the use of metadata is commendable. Ensuring the archive is accessible and inclusive is crucial. You might also want to think about how you’ll keep the archive updated as technology evolves, ensuring it remains accessible over time.

    Overall, your plan is solid, with a good balance between preserving personal history and making it accessible to a broad audience. Great job!

  3. William Wang Avatar

    I really like your project on the Robert and Winnie Yen Archive! It’s a fantastic way to bring personal narratives to life and provide a unique perspective on Chinese immigration. Your focus on metadata and creating contextualized exhibits will definitely enhance its educational value. Ensuring accessibility with simple navigation and web-safe colors is also crucial. Adding interactive elements like guided tours or tools for users to share their own stories could further boost engagement. Overall, your project has great potential to preserve and highlight these important personal histories.

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